Tuesday, February 17, 2009


parking lot at dusk

i seriously love this parking lot. it's a converted warehouse. the ground is dirty and there are piles of drift wood. the glass windows are tall and high up, there are some even broken. it's a haven for picturing taking, in the morning or evening. i can't wait for the weather to warm up so i can stand to be outside snapping away.

i'm not so tired of taking pictures every morning, between the hours of 7 to 10am, but i am tired of having to post it on this blog. i'm up in arms as to what kind of photography blog i want to do. like a diary? one that chronicles my everyday life? no i already offer alot of myself in my craft/food blog. there is only so much of my life i can put on display. so for now, i will just post random finds that i capture and maybe i'll have sage words of wisdom. or not.

i'll still post my span of
3 hours pictures on my flickr page.

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