Friday, August 1, 2008



standing on jab's front stoop a few nights ago, it stormed something fierce in the county but in the city, it was just gloomy. this was around 6:15pmEST.


red curtains with late afternoon sunlight creeping in.


bright colored ribbons.


Trish said...

Hey, I like how that first picture looks like lace.

Elizabeth said...

I love the moods that are generated in the first two shots--they could both be straight out of a film scene.

Askew To You said...

These are all lovely. That black and white - gorgeous!

Angry Asian said...

Trish --
i love how you have such a different perscpective on that picture. :)

Elizabeth --
thank you! :) do you think steven spielberg will be calling me soon?! i enjoy it so much when i can play around with the different lighting to evoke different moods, and what's even better is that everyone perceives the mood so differently.

askew to you --
thank so much! :)